Wildflower Festival
Do you love wild flowers – how about a walk in the mountains on a beautiful day? If this is you, then you will love “Wasatch Wildflower Festival.” Taking place July 27, 28, 29 – there is even a kids walk with activities along the way!
All hikes are broken down into divisions so you can pick the one that is best for you… below you will find the itinerary – hope to see you there.
Friday, July 27th – Morning
Meet at Brighton Parking Lot
Beginner Walks
Silver Lake boardwalk or lower mountain walks.
On gentle terrain.
9:00 AM & 11:00 AM
Duration: 1- 1 1/2 hours
Intermediate Walks
Beginning on lower mountain trails and winding up the ski hill trails or Lake Solitude Trail.
10:00 AM
Duration: 1 1/2- 2 hours
Advanced Walks Walk will progress toward upper lakes (access permitting.)
9:30 AM
Duration: 1 1/2- 2 hours
Kids Walks Especially designed with kids in mind and featuring fun wildflower activities along the route!
On gentle terrain.
10:00 AM and 11:00 AM
Duration: Less than 1 hour. Kids should be accompanied by an adult.
Friday, July 27th – Afternoon
Meet at Solitude Village (entry 2)
Moderate Wildflower Walks
Ride up Sunrise lift with a hike to Lake Solitude, riding back down lift.
Depart between 3:00 – 4:00 PM ($3 lift ticket required)
Duration: 2 – 2.5 hours
Trail to Lake Solitude is moderate, with one short, but steep, section at the end.
Moderate to Advanced Wildflower Walks with lift: These walks begin with a ride up Sunrise Lift with a winding hike down the mountain
Depart between 3:00 – 5:00 PM ($3 lift ticket required)
Duration: 2 – 3.5 hours
This hike is not strenuous, but it should be noted that the hike down is quite long in duration.
Beginner Walks: Lower Mountain Wildflower Walk on gentle terrain
Ongoing, between 3:00 – 6:00 PM
Duration 1 hour.
Kids Walks: Along Lower Mountain Route on gentle Terrain
3:30 and 4:30 PM
Duration: 45 minutes
- Walks depart as groups fill.
- Walks which involve the chairlift require a $3 lift charge.
- Walks which involve the chairlift also will not be offered after time listed, in order to accommodate lift operating hours.
Saturday, July 28th
Meet at Albion Day Lodge/Parking Lot, Albion Base, Alta Entry #2
Beginner Walks:
Walk takes place along gentle terrain along base area, through willows, meadows and along streamside to allow for excellent variety of wetland wildflowers and other species. About 1 hour
9:00am, 10:00am, 11:00am, 12:00pm
Hikes depart as groups fill.
Beginner/Intermediate Wildflower Walks:
A walk up the Albion Meadows Trail at a gentle grade. This walk allows for wonderful variety of flowers blooming in habitats including meadows, shaded spruce-fir stands, nears streams, and sunny, rocky slopes. About 1 1/2 hours.
9:00am, 10:00am, 11:00am, 12:00pm
Hikes depart as groups fill.
Advanced Wildflower Walk:
Walk takes place up the Twin Lakes Pass trail. Trail is very steep and rocky in sections.North-facing slopes allow for wildflower viewing through a variety of habitats. About 1 ½ hours.
9:00am, 10:00am, 11:00am, 12:00pm
Hikes depart as groups fill.
Kids Wildflower Walks:
Especially designed with kids in mind and with fun and interactive wildflower activities along the way!
A gentle walk route along the base area.
Discover what wildflowers need to grow! We’ll look for wildflowers and wildlife of Albion Basin. Less than an hour in duration.
9:30am and 10:30am
Hikes depart as groups fill. Kids should be accompanied by an adult.
Live Music by Stringshot:
Kids Art & Entertainment We will have ongoing art activities for kids of all ages.
Sunday July 29th
Meet at Plaza Deck, Snowbird entry 2
8:30 – 9:15AM Sign up for Wildflower Walks
$5 donation to the Cottonwood Canyons Foundation for Tram hikes
9:30AM Tram departs for Wildflower Hikes, beginner and advanced
– Advanced Hike: rides up tram with a hike down the mountain. Hike is all down hill, but several miles in length, with some steep sections and loose footing. 3-4 hours, 9:30 start time only.
– Easy Walk: rides up tram with gentle walk at top of tram with ride back down. 1 ½ to 2 hours. 9:30 and 10:30 start time.
10:00 AM Tram leaves for Geology Hike- moderate, 2-3 hours, 10:00 start time only.
10:30 Second Departure for Easy Walk with Tram (ride up tram, explore top,ride back down). 1 ½ to 2 hours.
*Please note, hikes involving the Tram depart early and only at listed times, in order to accommodate the Tram and long duration of the hikes.
9:30 – 11:30 AM Lower Mountain Wildflower Walks
Along gentle terrain.
Hikes depart for lower mountain walk every 20 minutes as groups fill.
Duration: 1 hr to 1 ½ hours. Does not involve tram.
10:00 AM Kids Walks
Especially designed with kids in mind and with fun wildflower activities along the way!
Gentle walk along lower mountain trail.
Less than an hour in duration. Does not involve tram. Kids should be accompanied by an adult.
Special thanks to partners for this event:
Cottonwood Canyons Foundation, Alta Community Enrichment, Alta Ski Area, Snowbird Ski and Summer Resort, Brighton Resort, Solitude Mountain Resort, US Forest Service and Salt Lake City Watershed!
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Thank you very much for an enjoyable stay. The condo and hot tub worked very well. The location is very convenient to both The Canyons and grocery stores. Thank again for another great stay at WFSA!
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