7 Fun Things Your Family Can Do in the Snow
Winter is a time of wonderment – do you remember when you were a kid and loved making angels in the snow? I ran across this article and thought it would be perfect for our blog.
7 Fun Things Your Family Can Do in the Snow
Children love snow; there’s no escaping that fact. And while some adults may also enjoy outdoor activities during the winter, it seems this time of year is perfect for children. This year, why not try some fun things the whole family can do in the snow?
There are so many activities that you can participate in together. Here is a list of seven activities to consider:
1. Fins a horse-drawn buggy that you can ride. Normally the buggy provides blankets to help keep you warm. While this is an activity that the entire family can enjoy together, it’s also a great activity for Mom and Dad to do on a special date night.
2. Build an igloo if the snow is deep enough and packs well. You can build an igloo by cutting out blocks of packed snow or you can shovel your driveway and sidewalk, maybe even your yard, into one place. Be sure the pile of snow is packed down along the way and reaches at least as high as an adult’s knees. Then hollow out the center of the pile of snow to create the igloo.
3. Make snow cream. After a fresh snowfall, go out to the yard to get a large quantity of snow. Mix together two cup of whole or evaporated milk, two teaspoons of vanilla, and 1 cup of sugar. Mix it together with the snow and enjoy. If you aren’t able to get large quantities of fresh snow, reduce the recipe by half.
4. Create snow animals. Everyone tries to make a snowman, and they’re fine for beginners. But why not work together and try to create a snow penguin, snow cow, or some other animal. Mix together water and food coloring to make your snow animals look different and more colorful.
5. Bundle up and take a winter hike. While you’re out, see if you can find and recognize any animal tracks. You may be able to find rabbit, squirrel, and some bird tracks as well as those from cats and dogs. If you live in the country, you may also be able to find deer and raccoon tracks.
6. Act like a kid again. Get down on the ground and make snow angels with your children. In fact, why not make an entire family of snow angels where your neighbors and friends can see them when they come to visit. Use a squirt bottle with colored water and write “Welcome” near the snow angel family.
7. Take your dog out to play in the snow. Be sure to bundle everyone up before you head out the door. Bury your dog’s favorite ball in the snow and see if they can find it. Pay attention where you’re burying their ball, however, because later they may want to play with it in the house where it’s warm.
It doesn’t matter if you use one of these activity ideas or choose another entirely, it’s important to find fun things your family can do in the snow. Take the time during winter months to reconnect with your children. You may be cold when you come back in, but you’ll be glad you spent the time together.
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